Überregionales Gelenk-Symposium Ahrensburg
van Houtert, Wim; Bimmel, Richard
The DTALE Model: Designing Digital and Physical Spaces for Integrated Learning Environments
Jo Tondeur; Sarah Howard; Marijke Kral; A Carvalho; D Petko; L Ganesh; F Røkenes; L Starkey; M Bower; P Redmond; B Andersen
Usability and preliminary effectiveness of an app-based physical activity and education program for people with hip or knee osteoarthritis - a pilot randomized controlled trial
Franziska Weber (Onderzoeker); Corelien Kloek (Onderzoeker); Sandra Stuhrmann (Onderzoeker); Yannick Blum (Onderzoeker); Christian Grüneberg (Onderzoeker); Cindy Veenhof (Lector)
Entering the car park
Gerard Dummer (Onderzoeker); Elwin Savelsbergh (Lector); Paul Drijvers (Onderzoeker)
How Much, What, When, with Whom and Where? a Deeper Understanding of Individual Patterns of Physical Activity Behavior in an Inpatient Rehabilitation Center
A. (Asa) Mennema (Onderzoeker); Aleid de Rooij (Onderzoeker); Karen A. van den Oever (Onderzoeker); Thea Vliet Vlieland (Onderzoeker); J.L. (Jorit) Meesters (Lector)
The OARSI Joint Effort Initiative
Bowden, Jocelyn L.; Hunter, David J.; Mills, Kathryn; Allen, Kelli; Bennell, Kim; Briggs, Andrew M.; Dziedzic, K.; Hinman, Rana S.; Kim, Jason S.; Martinez, Nina; Quicke, Jonathan G.; Tan Yijia, Bryan; van der Esch, Martin (Lectoraat Interdisciplinaire Zorg Voor Chronische Gewrichtsaandoeningen); Verges, Josep; Eyles, Jillian
Citizen Science for Health: a participative process towards impact
de Jong, Johan; Schuling, Rhoda; van Holland, Berry; Jepkema, Nikki
Observing the computational concept of abstraction in blind and low vision learners using the Bee-bot and Blue-bot
van der Meulen, (Anna) (Onderzoeker); Hartendorp, (Mijke) (Onderzoeker); Voorn, (Wendy) (Extern); Hermans, (Felienne) (Extern)
Erasmus Plus project SUSWELL
de Jong, Johan (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity); Beenen, Paul; Guett, Matthias; Hofenk, Harold (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity); van Kempen, Jos