Validity and reliability of serratus anterior hand held dynamometry
J Ijspeert; Hans Kerstens; R. Janssen; A.C.H. Geurts; N. van Alfen; JT Groothuis
Feasibility, reproducibility and validity of the 10 meter Shuttle Test in mild to moderately impaired people with stroke
Harriët Wittink (Lector); Tim Blatter (Onderzoeker); Jacqueline Outermans (Onderzoeker); M.W. Volkers (Onderzoeker); Paul Westers (Onderzoeker); Olaf Verschuren (Onderzoeker)
Reproducibility of Different Methodologies to Calculate Oxygen Consumption and Oxygen Cost During Walking in Chronic Stroke Survivors
Tim Blatter (Lid Lectoraat); Jacqueline Outermans (Lid Lectoraat); Michiel Punt (Lid Lectoraat); Harriët Wittink (Lector)
Exploring the psychometric properties of the Rainbow Model of Integrated Care measurement tool for care providers in Australia
Fares, Julian; Chung, Kon Shing Kenneth; Passey, Megan; Longman, Jo; Valentijn, Pim P (Value-Based Healthcare (Vbhc))
Suitability and Efficacy of the newly HBM4EU sample preparation procedure for Effect-Directed Analysis
Laur'Adelia Vitiello (Student); Marja Lamoree (Begeleider); Simona Popovici (Begeleider); Kas Wannee (Begeleider)
Validation of direct analysis of nickel in organic matrix by F-AAS
Nicolas Tonnon (Student); J. Bollyn (Begeleider); Geert Mol (Begeleider); Tanja Moerdijk-Poortvliet (Begeleider)
Take out what you can
Masha Boosten (Stafmedewerker); Gerard Schouten (Lector); BartoszPaszkowski (Docent); Levi van den Bogaard (Stafmedewerker)
Validatie van verschillende methodes op de ICP-OES van metalen in organische en anorganische monsters
Amina Sufi (Student)
Validatie van een magnetische suspensie balans- methode
Andjela Dragovic (Student)
Dutch Translation and Adaptation of the Treatment Beliefs Questionnaire for Chronic Pain Rehabilitation
Harriët Wittink (Lector); Janke Oosterhaven (Lid Lectoraat); Jos Dekker; Cas Kruitwagen; Walter Devillé; Else Ellens; Carin Schroder