Zocht je misschien: breed?
Best Practices of International Branding for NGOs in China
Sara Borkent (Student)
Operationeel marketingcommunicatieplan
Laura Holper (Student)
How can DIYS Soap improve its brand awareness in the Netherlands?
Midori Ueda (Student); Steven Asei-Dantoni (Begeleider)
CSR in the Dutch Banking Sector
Jet Hage (Student)
Navigating hang tag communication from a consumer perspective
Slak, Neža (Student); Breuer, Rebecca; Feitsma, Maaike
Haas, Jazzy de (Student); N.N.,
Virtual community building in organized sports in the Netherlands
Nanny Kuijsters-Timmers (Onderzoeker); John Goedee; Roger Leenders
Entrancing ourselves with YouTube: emotion-producing practices amplify the impact of branded video
G. De Blasio; K. Mazerant-Dubois; B. Scharlott
Let’s Get Real (Time)! The potential of real-time marketing to catalyze the sharing of brand messages
L.M. Willemsen (Lector); K. Mazerant-Dubois (Onderzoeker); Anne-Lise Kamphuis; Gerrita van der Veen