Collaboration in the local DHC-chain: A bottom-up integrated framework fostering broad-based solutions
Schilstra, Niels; Willems, Eric; Heller, Renée (Lectoraat Energie En Innovatie)
Heat Mapping, a Method for Enhancing the Sustainability of the Smart District Heat Networks
Mohammadi, s (Saleh) (Associatelector); Vaisi, S. (Salah) (Researcher); Habibi, K. (Kyoumars) (Researcher)
Haalbaarheidsonderzoek “Nul op de Trafo”
van Someren, Christian
Development of the Anaerobic Digester at Loswal “De Bonnen”
Maksims I. Kalinicenko (Student)
Nul op de Trafo Analysis
van Someren, Christian (Energy Transition And Networks)
Het wel en wee van coöperatieve warmtenetten
Bouw, Kathelijne
Participative evaluation of Sustainable Urban Drainage systems with ClimateCafé Malmö
Boogaard, Floris; Venvik, Guri
de Jong, Lotte; Roest, Allard; Boogaard, Floris
Equine manure as a sustainable solution
Onstee, R. (Student); Schipper, K.
Planning nature-based solutions for urban flood reduction and thermal comfort enhancement
Naser Majidi, Abdul; Vojinovic, Zoran; Alves, Alida; Weesakul, Sutat; Sanchez, Arlex; Boogaard, Floris; Kluck, Jeroen; Panagopoulos, Thomas