Assessing EU democratization
Maurik Grootes (Student)
Alcohol avoidance training as a mobile app for problem drinkers
Laurens, Melissa C.; Pieterse, Marcel E.; Brusse-Keizer, Marjolein; Salemink, Elske; Ben Allouch, Somaya (Lectoraat Digital Life); Bohlmeijer, Ernst T.; Postel, Marloes G.
Teachers as curriculum-makers: the case of citizenship education in Dutch schools
Y. Leeman; N. Nieveen; Fedor de Beer; Janneke van der Steen
Improving effectiveness of McDonalds’ self-service kiosk
Jan Sael (Student); E.J. van Weperen (Begeleider)
Predicting disclosure and help-seeking in university students with psychosocial problems based on stigma and attitudes towards disclosure and help-seeking
Dopmeier, Jolien M.; de Jonge, Jannet M. (Faculteit Gezondheid); Visscher, Tommy L.S.; Bovens, Rob H.L.M.; Wiers, Reinout W.
Country of Origin Criteria for Digitalization with National IT Products
Özdemir, Serkan; Mutlutürk, Meltem; Kör, Burcu (Amsib (Cedis)); Metin, Bilgin
Ecological momentary assessment study of exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields and non-specific physical symptoms with self-declared electrosensitives
J.F.B. (John) Bolte (Lector); Sander Clahse; W. Vercruijsse; Jan H. Houtveen; C. Maarten A. Schipper; Irene van Kamp; Rik Bogers
Studying problematic online behavior of adolescents with mild intellectual disabilities and borderline intellectual functioning
Rogier de Groot (Onderzoeker); Hendrien Kaal (Lector); Wouter Stol (Onderzoeker)
Does the outcome of diagnostic ultrasound influence the treatment modalities and recovery in patients with shoulder pain in physiotherapy practice? Results from a prospective cohort study
Yasmaine Helga Jacques Marie Karel (Lid Lectoraat); Audilia Miranda; Marloes Thoomes-de Graaf; Gwendolijne GM. Scholten-Peeters; Ramon PG. Ottenheijm; Bart W. Koes; Arianne P. Verhagen
Is progress to sustainability committed engineers stalking?
K.F. (Karel) Mulder (Lector)