Wind Energy Explained
Schepers, Gerard
International Small Wind Turbine Contest 2
Schepers, Gerard
International Small Wind Turbine Contest 1
Schepers, Gerard
Grid governance; what new roles for the community energy movement?
van der Schoor, Tineke
Pragmatic Models
Schepers, Gerard (Wind Energy); Stoevesandt, B.; Schepers, G.; Fuglsang, P.; Yuping, S.
IEA Task 47 Innovative aerodynamic experiment technologies and simulations on wind turbines in turbulent inflow
Schepers, Gerard
End report ID3AS AirOPT
Shahin, Omar; Kampers, Gerrit; Herraez, Ivan; Reinke, Otto; Swart-Ranshuysen, Wouter (Wind Energy); Schepers, Gerard (Wind Energy); Bruining, Joke
Distinct turbulent regions in the wake of a wind turbine and their inflow-dependent locations
Schepers, Gerard (Wind Energy); Neunaber, Ingrid; Hölling, Michael; Stevens, Richard J.A.M.; Peinke, Joachim
Problems, mistakes and good practices in community participation in local renewable energy projects
K.F. (Karel) Mulder (Lector)