ClimateCafe GroenBlauw: Hoe leg je een wadi aan?
Koning, Joey
Supporting Adolescents with Mental Health Problems in Secondary Education: Feasibility of a Supported Education Intervention
Beukema, Lindy; Hofstra, Jacomijn (Rehabilitation); Reijneveld, Sijmen A; de Winter, Andrea F.; Korevaar, Lies
ClimateCafé: transdisciplinary and international knowledge exchange on climate change adaptation for groundwater recharge
Boogaard, Floris
Gebrek aan motivatie om aan het welzijn te werken bij Young Professionals
Foekens, JG (Jasper) (Student)
Towards data literacy in higher education: summary - findings and recommendations
Alfons Looman; M. de Kloet; S. Yang; L.R. Klienbannink
Growing up with a Chronically Ill Family Member-The Impact on and Support Needs of Young Adult Carers
van der Werf, Hinke M; Luttik, Marie Louise A (Nursing Diagnostics); de Boer, Alice; Roodbol, Petrie F; Paans, Wolter (Nursing Diagnostics)
Video Feedback to Enhance Fidelity in Practice-Based Interventions for Young People, a Small-n Study
Boendermaker, Leonieke (Lectoraat Jeugdzorg); Landman, Erwin
LinkedIn or LeftOut
Isabelle Ginnelley (Student); Veronique van der Roer (Begeleider)
Behind the ideal person mask: a narrative inquiry into Dutch young professionals’ image (re-)construction process in the work, private and online settings
Y. Bergs (Onderzoeker); P. Peters (Onderzoeker); X.D. Lub (Lector); R.J. Blomme (Onderzoeker)