Zocht je misschien: addition?
Please, see me; Informal and professional support of students with relatives with addiction problems: a three-year longitudinal qualitative study
D.M. van Namen; S.R. Hilberink; H. de Vries; G.E. Nagelhout; A.L. van Staa
Nurse-Led Physical Screening of Patients With Substance Use Disorders
J. F. M. Middeldorp (Lid Lectoraat); Esther Krijnen-de Bruin (Lid Lectoraat); V. J. A. Buwalda; A. E. Goudriaan; Berno van Meijel (Lector)
E-learning Kopp/Kov
Ketner, Susan Liesbeth (Integrale Aanpak Kindermishandeling); van der Slot, Jacoline
Stress and strain: a qualitative study into the impact of having relatives with addiction problems on students’ health and daily lives
D.M. van Namen; V. Knapen; A.L. van Staa; H. de Vries; S.R. Hilberink; G.E. Nagelhout
Impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic on students with relatives with addiction problems: a longitudinal qualitative study
D.M. van Namen; S.R. Hilberink; H. de Vries; G.E. Nagelhout; A.L. van Staa
Zelfstigma en sociale steun bij patiënten met verslavingsproblematiek
Sikkes, S; Blaauw, Eric
De levensloopaanpak in Noord Nederland
Vos, Sandra; Glasbergen, Petrick; Blaauw, Eric; Venema, Simon
Vitality in the neighborhood (VIEW)
van Hartingsveldt, Margo (Lectoraat Ergotherapie - Participatie En Omgeving); Wichers, Fenna
The Price of Mistrust: A Study into the Working Alliance as Predictor for Recidivism
Annelies Sturm (Lid Lectoraat); Vivienne de Vogel (Lector); Anneke Menger; Marcus J.H. Huibers
Youth in transition: Study protocol of a prospective cohort study into the long-term course of addiction, mental health problems and social functioning in youth entering addiction treatment
Moska, Christina; Goudriaan, Anna E.; Blanken, Peter; van de Mheen, Dike; Spijkerman, Renske; Schellekens, Arnt; de Jonge, Jannet (Lectoraat Geïntegreerde Complexe Zorg); Bary, Floris; Vollebergh, Wilma; Hendriks, Vincent