Enhancing women's participation in agricultural education in Afghanistan through distance education by the national agricultural education college (NAEC) Afghanistan
Sabri, A.; Abdulrahimzai, S.P. ; Witteveen, L.M.; Lie, R.; Meulen, S. van der
Dancing Boys and the Moral Dilemmas of Military Missions
Michelle Schut; E.M. van Baarle
UN Peacekeeping Intelligence
S.J.H. Rietjens; E.J. de Waard
The snake oil of stabilisation? Explaining the rise and demise of the comprehensive approach
Thijs Brocades Zaalberg
The Effects of Current Aid System on Institutional Capacity Building
Ghulum Haidar Habib (Student); Peter Horsselenberg
Two ways of leaving
Sander Dalenberg; Marenne Mei Jansen
De geïntegreerde benadering in Afghanistan
L.J. Hazelbag; E.H. Klijn (Begeleider); F.P.B. Osinga (Begeleider)
How has the EU foreign policy changed in the wake of the US-led Iraq war?
Kriss-Elin Rokk (Student); M. (Mihaela) Anghel
Thuisfrontcheck meta-analyse
C. Ernsten; René Moelker; M. D. Andres
On military memoirs
Lamberta Hendrika Esmeralda Kleinreesink