Concept best practice guidelines for the trumpeters (Psophiidae)
Koops, T. (Student); Maste, B. (Student); Bangma, O.E.; Bezuijen, H.T.M.; Griede, T.
Should Trendy Speelgoed enter the German market with an online store?
Nino Silic (Student); Adrienne H.M.H. Kapiteijn (Begeleider)
The future of retail
Bart Kuijpers (Begeleider); Davina Joziasse (Student)
The transtlantic data transfer : the case of EU-U.S. relations
Tatjana Arnold (Student); P.G. (Paul) Nixon (Begeleider)
Dams and the livelihoods of local communities : a research on the indirect impacts of the hydroelectric dam Belo Monte on the income, alimentation, and environment of fishermen families and Indigenous communities of the Middle region of the Xingu River
Boer, M. de (Student); Duijk, E. van
Várzea floodplain agriculture in the Colombian Amazon : recommendations for agroforestry in the Yahuarcaca floodplain
Rietberg, E. (Student); Vletter, J. de
Belo Monte and the livelihoods of local communities
Boer, M. de (Student); Duijl, E. van
Cloudbusting International Systems
M.D.J.W.M. Karel (Begeleider); W.B. Elschot (Begeleider); J. Vos (Student)
Ontwikkelen van distributed software enviroment in de cloud voor 3di-waterbeheerCloud computing en python software distributie
H.C. van den Bosch (Begeleider); J.J. Visser (Begeleider); H.H.J. Meijer (Student)