Integrating a weighing system to prevent the issue of overloading
Roman Panaskin (Student); Etienne Veldhuis (Begeleider); Kalina Mikolajczak-Degrauwe (Begeleider); Vladimir Vorobiov (Begeleider)
Upscaling sexual coral restoration
Schneider, J. (Student); Merién, D.
Telling the Bigger Video Story
Lovink, Geert (Lectoraat Netwerkcultuur)
Inside-out sustainability
Meggie Williams; Bas van den Berg; Dana-Maria Dumea (Student)
Improving trenching equipment by using alternative jet nozzles configurations
Mark Roos (Student); Marco Gatto (Begeleider); Lennart van Baalen (Begeleider)
Feminist finance syllabus
Molenda, Ania; Gloerich, Inte
Recommendations for a possible placemaking concept targeting the marketplace of Siegen’s suburb Eiserfeld
Chiara Hübscher (Student); Jochem Jansen (Docent)
How do students perceive the different types of collaboration between general teacher, special education teachers and teaching assistants in an inclusive classroom?
Kaike Johanna Pauschert; Troy Regis; Grada Okken
13th ITS European Congress
Mulder, Trix; Vellinga, Nynke
Robotic Platform Research PP presentation
Cock Heemskerk; Lucien Fesselet (Student)