Stabilizing Clayey Soil using plastic waste materials
Hazem Hedia (Student); Christophe Egyed (Docent); Marco Gatto (Docent); Hamdy Hedia (Begeleider); Essam Hedia (Begeleider)
How to identify root causes of low construction labor productivity
Martin van Dijkhuizen (Onderzoeker)
The road to circularity a framework for and experiences in collecting road data in a circular renovation process
Entrop, (Bram) (Associate Lector)
Healthy Environments and Behaviours
Mobach, Mark P.
Thesis report
Andzhelika Nakova (Student); Giuliana Scuderi (Docent); Stefan Harbov (Begeleider)
Technical solutions and benefits of introducing rain gardens
Kasprzyk, Magda; Szpakowski, Wojciech; Poznanska, Eliza; Boogaard, Floris; Bobkowska, Katarzyna; Gajewska, Magdalena
Calculating Circular Value In Co-Creation With The Construction Industry
Myron Koster (Onderzoeker)
28th Annual European Real Estate Society (ERES) Conference 2022
Daals, Silke; de Vries, Wabbe; Scholten, Loraine; Buitenwerf, Laumé
Kennissessie Duurzaam Erfgoed
Vieveen, Maarten; Sikkema, Jelte; Posthuma, Eline; Schutrups, Mark