Collaborative data practices in the neighborhood
Groen, M.N.; Meys, W.T.
Hacking Buiksloterham
de Lange, M.; Waal, M. (Lectoraat Civic Interaction Design); Golchehr, Saba; Ainley, Rosa; Friend, Adrian; Johns, Cathy; Raczynska, Karolina
EDRiT - Eems Dollard Region in Transition
Bulder, E.A.M.
Analysis of civic initiatives
E. Popov; Jol Stoffers (Lector); Z. Omonov; A. Veretennikova
Collaborative learning in communities
Huber, Max; Bos, Eltje (Kenniscentrum Maatschappij En Recht); de Kreek, Mike (Faculteit Maatschappij En Recht (Fmr))
Learning language that matters
dr. Christa Nieuwboer (Lector)