Zocht je misschien: coping?
The prospection of Saxion Career Services
Jellema, OD (Olivia) (Student)
Harmonizing Sustainability
Bianca Harms; Natalia Tarkowska; Bastiaan Nijbroek
Towards tailored medication self-management
Boudewijn Visscher (Onderzoeker)
Creating a sense of belonging through co-creation during COVID-19
M.V.C. Wolfensberger; C. van Beveren; A. Fial; T. Slokker; F. Pilo; S. Alkema
Ten new insights in climate science 2022
Szilvia Csevár (Lid Lectoraat)
Zero-Emission Zone (ZEZ) maturity model: first results
T. Motloung; H. Quak; N.R. Anand; J.H.R. van Duin
Temperature fluctuations and concrete pavements
Lex van Aartsen (Student); Pieter Romijn (Docent); Christophe Egyed (Begeleider)
Lessons from the forest to improve urban water management and biodiversity
Nehizena , O. (Student); Merién, D.
Burgerschapsonderwijs Hanzehogeschool. Coming together to move the world
Wolfensberger, Marca; Kamans, Elanor; Vugteveen, Jorien