Dynamics without a framework? Towards an ecological-enactive approach to the dynamical view of metaphor
John A. Machielsen (Docent)
Perceived fit in activity-based work environments and its impact on satisfaction and performance
Hoendervanger, Jan Gerard; van Yperen, Nico; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); Albers, Casper
Optimal deployment for anti-submarine operations with time-dependent strategies
Corine Maartje Laan; Ana Isabel Barros; Richard J Boucherie; Herman Monsuur; Wouter Noordkamp
Teacher training for religious education
Cok Bakker (Lector); Ina ter Avest (Onderzoeker)
Influencing Baccalaureate Nursing Students' Perceptions of Community Care with Targeted Curriculum Redesign Strategies
Van Iersel, M.; Latour, C. (Lectoraat Geïntegreerde Complexe Zorg); De Vos, R.; Kirschner, P.; Scholte Op Reimer, W.
Understanding actor perspectives regarding challenges for integrated river basin management
Haan, R.J. de; Fliervoet, J.M. (Lid Lectoraat); Voort, M.C. van der
The Complexity of Mapping Customer Needs... (and the Myth of a Unanimous Customer)
Danielle Vossebeld (Lid Lectoraat); Joseph Timothy Foley (Onderzoeker); Erik Puik (Lector)
Knowing everything from soup to dessert
Wenja T. Heusdens (Onderzoeker); Liesbeth K.J. Baartman (Onderzoeker); Elly de Bruijn (Lector)
Challenges for cooperative wireless sensor networks in border control applications
H. Nikookar; H. Monsuur
Complexity in valuation practice
Pim Klamer (Lid Lectoraat); Cok Bakker (Lector); Vincent Gruis (Onderzoeker)