Beleving aan het strand
Jolien Buijsse (Student); Sylvia Schouwenaars-Hilt (Docent); Marien van Oosten (Begeleider); Jos Lips (Begeleider); Mathilde Matthijsse (Begeleider)
Data Scientist in 5 stappen
Blok, Johan; Dröge, Mitchell
Reconciling Ecological and Social Justice to Promote Biodiversity Conservation
H.N. (Helen) Kopnina (Onderzoeker); Eleanor Shoreman-Ouimeta
On design and deployment of two privacy-preserving procedures for judicial-data dissemination
M.S. Bargh (Lector); R. Choenni (Lector); R.F. Meijer
Neue Chancen für die Schulsozialarbeit?!
Zwicker, F (Fabian) (Student); Hoppe, S (Stephan) (Student)
Emergent technologies in mixed and multimethod research: incorporating mobile technologies
R. Choenni (Lector); N. Stembert (Onderzoeker); I.J. Mulder (Lector); L. Remijn (Onderzoeker)
Knowledge, sensory experience, and sensor technology
Dubois, D.; Coler, M.; Wörtche, H. (Sensors And Smart Systems)
Cumulative anthropogenic pressure mapping, a case study of the Alcúdia Bay - Majorca
Siegfried, M. (Student); Borgmann, R. (Student); Hofman, P.A.G.; Jager, L.C.
Military socialisation effects and effective leadership behaviour in operations
S. Dalenberg; Tessa op den Buijs
Locked out in Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Evictions Due to Rent Arrears in Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden
Lia van Doorn (Lector); Susanne Gerull; Sten-Åke Stenberg