Replacing Virgin Textiles by State of Art Circular Workwear Textiles
Herder, RA (Roos) (Student)
Replacing Virgin Textiles by State of Art Circular Workwear Textiles
Herder, RA (Roos) (Student)
Exploring the Multifaceted Relationship of Compliance and Integrity
J.F.C. Timmermans
The Battle of Chora
Ivor Wiltenburg; Lysanne Leeuwenburg
War’s Didactics
Martijn van der Vorm
Bouwen aan vertrouwen
Dian Fluijt (Lid Lectoraat)
Military Operations and the Notion of Control Under International Law
R. Bartels; J.C. van den Boogaard; P.A.L. Ducheine; E. Pouw; J.E.D. Voetelink
Transitie van v(s)o naar hbo met autisme
Jeannira Brekelmans (Begeleider); Mieke Bosma (Student)
Range-Expansion in processionary moths and biological control
Boer, J.G. de (Lector); Harvey, J.A.
Adaptive flood defence management with ductile dikes
Frank den Heijer