Zocht je misschien: dementie?
Dementie en motoriek, in het bijzonder paratonie en de fysiotherapeutische behandeling
Hobbelen, Hans
Physiotherapists are pivotal in the care of people living with dementia
Hobbelen, Johannes (Ageing And Allied Health Care); Lawler, Kate; Farlie, Melanie; Kroon, Bernadette; Tessier, Jan; Thomas, Janet
In constant search of the good: a qualitative study into insiders’ perspectives on living well with dementia
Yaron, G (Lid Lectoraat); Franka, F (Associate Lector); de Bruin, S (Lector)
Sensor-based agitation prediction in institutionalized people with dementia A systematic review
Kleine Deters, Jan (Sensors And Smart Systems); Janus, Sarah; Lima Silva, J.A.; Wörtche, Heinrich J. (Sensors And Smart Systems); Zuidema, Sytse U.
Biomarkers associated with cognitive impairment in post-traumatic stress disorder: a systematic review of current evidence
J. Guo; V. Orgeta; I. Olivé; E. Hoff; J. Huntley; M. Olff; S. Sobczak
Recognition of cognitive dysfunction in hospitalised older patients
Fleur C. W. Visser; Marlise E. A. van Eersel; Liesbeth Hempenius; Nicolaas A. Verwey; Caterina Band; Robbert Gobbens (Lector); Barbara C. van Munster
Challenges in diagnosing posttraumatic stress disorder in dementia: a case report
S. Sobczak; M. van Kordenoordt; R. Uiterwijk; J.M. Cook; D.C.D. Havermans; L. Vossen; I. Ramakers; M. Olff; S.P.J. van Alphen
Homing wellness: can narrative design transform living spaces for people with dementia into engaging environments enabling communication?
Joost van Hoof; Loukia Minetou; Avraam Chatzopoulos; Anastasios Tzerachoglou; Georgios Priniotakis; Emmanouela Sfyroera; Zoe Georgiadou; Styliani Tyrovola; Christos Drosos
Music & Dementia
Franziska Luise Ziergiebel (Student)
De Haagse Hogeschool ScriptieprijsDeveloping design ability for innovation in healthcare practices
Berit Godfroij (Onderzoeker); Lenny van Onselen (Onderzoeker); Anita Cremers (Lector)