Buckling Prediction of MWCNT-reinforced Laminated Composite Structures under Hygro-Thermo-Mechanical Conditions
Georgantzinos, Stelios K.; Antoniou, Panagiotis A.; Stamoulis, Konstantinos P. (Lectoraat Aviation Engineering); Spitas, Christos
Mapping, assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of urban nature-based solutions to climate change effects in The Netherlands
Koning, Joey; Boogaard, Floris; Filho, Walter; Nagy, Gustavo; Ayal, Desalegn
High protein provision of more than 1.2 g/kg improves muscle mass preservation and mortality in ICU patients
van Ruijven, Isabel M.; Abma, José; Brunsveld-Reinders, Anja H.; Stapel, Sandra N.; van Etten-Jamaludin, Faridi; Boirie, Yves; Barazzoni, Rocco; Weijs, Peter J.M. (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging)
Composites in aerospace and mechanical engineering
Georgantzinos, Stelios; Giannopoulos, Georgios; Stamoulis, Konstantinos (Lectoraat Aviation Engineering); Markolefas, Stylianos
A first exploration: can eye movement desensitization and reprocessing improve cognition in older adults with posttraumatic stress disorder?
E.M.J. Gielkens; G. Rossi; S.P.J. van Alphen; S. Sobczak
Nutrition Intervention Informed by Indirect Calorimetry Compared to Predictive Equations to Achieve Weight Goals in Geriatric Rehabilitation Inpatients: The NEED Study
Hettiarachchi, J.; Fetterplace, K.; Maier, Andrea B.; Reijnierse, E. M. (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging)
Post-Earthquake Strengthening of RC Coupling Beams with GFRP Wrapping: Experimental Investigation
Eser, Namık; Töre, Erkan; Bal, Ihsan Engin (Earthquake Resistant Structures)
Minor Circular Cities: Mission Zero Waste Amsterdam
Rueda Raya, Sara; Tolentino-Zondervan, Frazen (Faculteit Business En Economie (Fbe)); Allendes, Pablo J.
Utilizing Drone-Based Ground-Penetrating Radar for Crime Investigations in Localizing and Identifying Clandestine Graves
Emaus, (Roeland) (Onderzoeker); Lijcklama à Nijeholt, (Louise) (Onderzoeker); Mersha, (Abeje) (Lector); Manen, (Benjamin) (Onderzoeker); Knotter, (Jaap) (Lector); Teeffelen, K.J. (Kees) van (Onderzoeker); Kronshorst, (Yara)
Utilizing Drone-Based Ground-Penetrating Radar for Crime Investigations in Localizing and Identifying Clandestine Graves
Lijcklama à Nijeholt, (Louise) (Onderzoeker); Knotter, (Jaap) (Lector); Kronshorst, (Yara); Mersha, (Abeje) (Lector)