Cultural Impact on Entrepreneurial Expectations
Brandt, Tiina; Wanasika, Isaac; Dubickis, Mikus; Treacy, Stephen; Pihlajarinne, Hanna; Acocella, Rocco; Militaru, Andreea; Bakker, Diederich (International Business); Liu, Hugh (L.); Liu, Rong; Tsuzuki, Yuki; Vo, Thu; Akçaoğlu, Emin; Wehner, Rainer
Innovativeness, Entrepreneurial Tendencies and Cultural Differences
Brandt, Tiina; Wanasika, Isaac; Dubickis, Mikus; Treacy, Stephen; Pihlajarinne, Hanna; Acocella, Rocco; Militaru, Andreea; Bakker, Diederich (International Business); Liu, Hugh (L.); Liu, Rong; Tsuzuki, Yukie; Vo, Thu; Akçaoğlu, Emin; Wehner, Rainer
EenzaamheidsAanpak STudenten: EAST-project
Kuiper, Jisca; Vos, Willem; Korevaar, L.
An assessment of beekeepers' honey production and processing practices in Abia State
Chikezie, M.U. (Student); Kingma, J.T.
Effect of rainforest alliance certification standard on certified smallholder cocoa farmers within the cocoa value chain in Ghana
Ofoe, I.K. (Student); Kijne, A.G.
The Value of Active Arts Engagement on Health and Well-Being of Older Adults: A Nation-Wide Participatory Study
Groot, Barbara; de Kock, Lieke; Liu, Yosheng; Dedding, Christine; Schrijver, Janine; Teunissen, Truus; van Hartingsveldt, Margo (Lectoraat Ergotherapie - Participatie En Omgeving); Menderink, Jan; Lengams, Yvonne; Lindenberg, Jolanda; Abma, Tineke
Van straks participeren naar nu participeren
Mieke de Jong (Student)
HL-Prijs 2021Informal social (link) work in the context of diversity
Lucas, Pamela (Lectoraat Stedelijk Sociaal Werk); Welschen, Saskia (Lectoraat Stedelijk Sociaal Werk)
Scaling knowledge and innovations for food and nutrition security
Körner, Jana; Lammers, Ellen; Lubberink, Rob; de Winter, Daniëlle
Maternal stress and depressive symptoms and adolescents’ body mass index : a prospective study
Maaike Koning (Lid Lectoraat); Jacqueline Vink; Tommy Visscher; Junilla Larsen