Cadzand-Bad heilzame stijlvolle zeebadplaats
Peter Kruizinga (Begeleider); T. Maenhout (Begeleider); T.E. Cornelius (Student)
Methods and Concepts for Business Rules Management
dr. Martijn Zoet (Lid Lectoraat); Johan Versendaal (Begeleider); S. Brinkkemper (Begeleider)
Eliciting mentor and pre-service teachers’ practical knowledge using teacher-tagged classroom situations
Niek Bogert (Docent); Frank Crasborn (Lector); Jan van Bruggen (Lector); Wim M.G. Jochems
The Southern cassowary (Casuarius casuarius johnsonii) population in Mission Beach, Queensland, Northern Australia
Robitschko, T. (Student); Schlatter, M. (Student); Wijk, B.B.H. van; Belle, J. van
Using teacher-generated tags of classroom situations to elicit mentor and pre-service teachers' practical knowledge
Dr. Frank Crasborn (Lector); MA Niek van den Bogert (Docent); Dr. Jan van Bruggen (Lector)
Interview patterns for requirements elicitation
L.A. Scheinholtz; Ilona Wilmont
A test of speech motor control on word level productions: The SPA Test (Dutch: Screening Pittige Articulatie)
P. Dejonckere; F. Wijnen; Dr. Yvonne van Zaalen (Docent)