Piracy in Somalia : a changing European approach
N.R.J.B. Blarel (Begeleider); Debby M. van Prooijen (Student)
Review ‘The World Hunt: An Environmental History of the Commodification of Animals’ by John F. Richards
H.N. (Helen) Kopnina (Onderzoeker)
Belo Monte and the livelihoods of local communities
Boer, M. de (Student); Duijl, E. van
Belo Monte and the local dependency on ornamental fish : impact of hydroelectric dam Belo Monte in the Xingu River on ornamental fish species, local fishermen and local traders
Diemont, R. (Student); Duijl, E. van
An analysis of the German Brown shrimp fishery MSC certification process
Röttgers, K. (Student); Schuhn, A. (Student); Jager, L.C.; Goldsborough, D.G.
The impact of the annual fishing ban on the household food security and the coping strategies of Chiwempala fish traders in Chingola District, Zambia
Simalumba, P.L. (Student); Uffelen, G.-J. van
The voice of the fishermen : understanding the fishermen community in Kalibaru village, North Jakarta
Muharamiah, M.S. (Student); Witteveen, L.