To Game or Not to Game? Efficacy of Using Tablet Games in Vocabulary Intervention for Children with DLD
Rob Zwitserlood (Onderzoeker); Marjan ter Harmsel (Onderzoeker); Johanna Schulting (Onderzoeker); Karin Wiefferink (Onderzoeker); Ellen Gerrits (Lector)
Can Students Create Their Own Educational Escape Room?
Michiel J. Bakkum; Milan C. Richir; Rowan Sultan; Jara R. de la Court; Anke C. Lambooij; Michiel A. van Agtmael; Jelle Tichelaar (Lector)
Increasing Usability while perofrming Combat Operations within TACTICOS
Ciobu, M (Mihail) (Student)
How can the open-world environments produced by Tag of Joy for museum applications be optimized to maximize their efficiency on low-end devices?
Jatužis, L (Laurynas) (Student)
Van a naar duurzaam
Pierie, Frank
Serious gaming as an innovative means for handling complexity in flood risk reduction
Frank den Heijer; Jeroen Rijke; Maria Barciela Rial
Buren geeft Energie
Pierie, Frank (Energietransitie); van Dam, K.I.M. (Energietransitie)
Urban Gaming Rotterdam Klein België
Davis Kloet (Docent); Felix Madrazo (Docent); Karin Kristof (Docent)
Do Gaming Simulations Substantiate That We Know More Than We Can Tell?
Marinus van Haaften (Onderzoeker); I. Lefter (Onderzoeker); H. Lukosch (Onderzoeker); Olaf van Kooten (Lector); Frances Brazier (Onderzoeker)
Serious gaming to stimulate participatory urban tourism planning
Ko Koens (Lector); Jeroen Klijs; Jessika Weber-Sabil; Frans Melissen; Lidija Lalicic; Igor Mayer