How to use Data to Increase Bike Use by Travellers
Marja Exalto-Sijbrands (Onderzoeker); Jelle Baars (Student); Jelle Wijers (Student); Nick van Grol (Student); Bas Evers (Student); Pascal Ravesteijn (Lector)
Mental Health Nurses’ Perceptions of Their Role in Physical Screening and Lifestyle Coaching for Patients With a Severe Mental Illness
Nienke van der Voort; Nikki Klaessen; Irina Poslawsky; Berno van Meijel (Lector)
The relationship of monotonous tasks and job satisfaction among starters in the commercial real estate industry
Marco Griep (Student); Praneschen Govender (Begeleider)
New development: Bridging the gap—analysis of required competencies for management accountants in the public sector
Budding, Tjerk; de Jong, Gert (Lectoraat Corporate Governance & Leadership); Smit, Marion (Lectoraat Corporate Governance & Leadership)
Development of fundamental motor skills between 2006 and 2016 in Dutch primary school children
Mombarg, R.; de Bruijn, A. G. M.; Smits, I. A. M.; Hemker, B. T.; Hartman, E.; Bosker, R. J.; Timmermans, A. C.
The Soft Skills Business Demands of the Chief Information Security Officer
Richard Smit (Student); Jeroen J.M. van Yperen Hagedoorn (Student); Patric Versteeg (Docent); Pascal Ravesteijn (Lector)
Viberscrete's utilization report proposal
Miguel Rodriguez Rondon (Student); Giuliana Scuderi (Docent); Marianna Ansiliero de Oliveira Coelho (Docent)
The potential of preserved foods on the ethnic market
J. Hagen (Student); K.L. Ehrie (Docent); L. Koole (Begeleider)
How to foster successful implementation of a patient reported experience measurement in the disability sector
Marjolein van Rooijen; Anneke van Dijk-de Vries; Stephanie von Helden-Lenzen (Lid Lectoraat); Ruth Dalemans (Lid Lectoraat); Albine Moser (Lid Lectoraat); Sandra Beurskens