Ondernemend participeren vanuit de wijk
de Zeeuw, Anna (Lectoraat Management Van Cultuurverandering); Hogenstijn, Maarten (Lectoraat Ondernemerschap); Meulemans, Wander; Ferguson, Julie (Lectoraat Coördinatie Grootstedelijke Vraagstukken)
The musically talented: getting to grips with reality
Harris, Robert; Harris, Robert
Reflective Practices for Future Journalism: The Need, the Resistance and the Way Forward
Timon Ramaker (Lid Lectoraat); Jan van der Stoep (Lector); Mark Deuze
The "Brown Bag Lunch"
Teana Boston-Mammah (Lid Lectoraat); Nana Adusei-Poku (Lid Lectoraat)
A 21st century approach to engineering mechanics education
Mark Smit (Docent); Stefan Persaud (Docent)
Lifelong learning
Harris, Robert
Teaching Entrepreneurship: To Be the Wind under Students’ Wings
S.C. Hallenga-Brink (Lid Lectoraat)
Nurturing communities of inquiry: a formative study of the DojoIBL Platform
Ángel Suárez; Stefaan Ternier; F.R. Prinsen (Lector); Marcus Specht
Cultural participation and the development of generic competencies
Lise Temmink (Student); H. Reijnierse (Begeleider); Margot Tempelman (Begeleider); Ingrid Snijders (Docent)
The art of interruption: concepts of art as a cooperative citizen practice driving cultural innovation and social change
Caris, Thuur; Zeelen, Jacques; Boog, Bernardus