Innovation orientation and needed qualities towards entrepreneurship
Wanasika, I; Brandt, T; Dubickis, M.; Treacy, S.; Pihlajarinne, H.; Acocella, R.; Militaru, A.; Bakker, Diederich (International Business); Rong, L.; Tsuzuki, Y.; Vo, T.; Liu, Hugh
Innovativeness, Entrepreneurial Tendencies and Cultural Differences
Brandt, Tiina; Wanasika, Isaac; Dubickis, Mikus; Treacy, Stephen; Pihlajarinne, Hanna; Acocella, Rocco; Militaru, Andreea; Bakker, Diederich (International Business); Liu, Hugh (L.); Liu, Rong; Tsuzuki, Yukie; Vo, Thu; Akçaoğlu, Emin; Wehner, Rainer
Experiencias de innovación educativa basadas en HILL / Experiences in educational innovation through HILL
van Oostrom, Madelon
International Forum
Bakker, Diederich
Wendbare organisaties: samenspel van organisatieontwerp en -verandering
Reezigt, Cornelis (Organisatieontwerp En Verandering)
400 Start-ups per year – How the Entrepreneurship Education at Hanzehogeschool makes an Impact in Groningen, the Netherlands
Bakker, Diederich
Gastcollege Interdisciplinary Professionals Master (IBS)
Dommerholt, Egbert
In drie stappen een marketingplan, inclusief growth en online
Alsem, Karel Jan