Zocht je misschien: solutions?
Ballast Water Treatment
S.S. Mzee (Student); Peter Harts (Begeleider); Marius Meerburg (Begeleider)
The role of the visionary innovator in moving towards innovative organisations
Tyrtza Hogewoning; Joannes Barend Klitsie; C.S.H. (Christine) de Lille (Lector)
Towards an autonomous system for handling inter-terminal container transport
F.G. Rieck; J.H.R. van Duin; A. Spruit
Market entry strategy for disinfection product: SECADIS
A. Kullmann (Student); M. Böhm-Beck (Begeleider); Sarah de Bakker (Begeleider)
Maturing pay-as-you-go data quality management: towards decision support for paying the larger bills
Jan van Dijk; M.S. Bargh (Lector); R. Choenni (Lector); Marco Spruit
The effect of endurance exercise on intestinal integrity in well‐trained healthy men
Lonneke Janssen - Duijghuijsen; Marco Mensink; Kaatje Lenaerts; Ewa Fiedorowicz; Dorien van Dartel; Jurriaan Mes; Yvette Luiking; Harry Wichers; Renger Witkamp; Klaske van Norren; Shirley Kartaram (Lid Lectoraat); Anne Geijsen; Astrid van der Harst; Martie Verschuren; Leon Knippels; Raymond Pieters (Lector)
Physician substitution by mid-level providers in primary healthcare for older people and long-term care facilities: protocol for a systematic literature review
Marleen Lovink; A. Persoon; Anneke van Vught; R.T.C.M. Koopmans; Lisette Schoonhoven; Miranda Laurant
The inland shipping industry and its problems
Tamara M.C. Blonk (Student); Martijn Lak (Begeleider)
Innovative Breakwater ; low-cost, non-traditional breakwater design
Jesper Grieken (Student); Danny Janssen (Student)
Crisis in Dutch primary school-building design solved by paradigm shift?
de Vrieze, Ronald; Moll, Henri C.