Integral development and new combinations of functions at stone factory terrains in floodplains
Eeman, S.; Rijke, J.S.; Boer, J. den
Stadswandeling - rondleiding Energieke Der Aa-kerk Groningen
Vieveen, Maarten; de Boer, Bart
Student Wellbeing Project Inholland
Nikkie Gubbels (Lid Lectoraat); Rutger Kappe (Lector)
Gallo, M. (Lector)
Gallo, M. (Lector)
Discussion paper: Legitimacy of bottom-up planning: the need for facilitation of substantive discussions in planning processes
Levelt, Melika (City Net Zero); van Berkel, Fabi
Interprofessional collaboration regarding patients' care plans in primary care
Stephanie Anna Lenzen (Lid Lectoraat); Trudy van der Weijden; Anna Beurskens (Lector); Marloes Amantia van Bokhoven; Ramon Daniels (Lid Lectoraat); Jerôme Jean Jacques van Dongen (Lid Lectoraat)
#BeActive European Week of Sport
de Jong, Johan
Kick off meeting SPEACH EU project
de Jong, Johan; Bruining, Carin
Facility management research in the Netherlands
Thijssen, Thomas; van der Voordt, Theo; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management)