Medisol - Dealer Business Cooperation Agreement
Festo Walusimbi (Student); Bernard Hollaers (Begeleider); Johan Weggemans (Docent)
Sharing Best Management Practices on resilient cities using the City Climatescan method
Boogaard, Floris; Heikoop, Rick
Adapting a capacity-development-in-higher-education project
L. Jacobs; K. Wimpenny; L. Mitchell; C. Hagenmeier; J.M.H.J. (Jos) Beelen (Lector); M. Hodges; V. George; A. DeWinter; C. Slambee; S. Obadire
de Jong, Lotte; Roest, Allard; Boogaard, Floris
Climate adaptation by international multidisciplinary knowledge exchange
Boogaard, Floris; de Jong, Lotte; Leal Filho, Walter; Luetz, Johannes; Ayal, Desalegn
The relevance of Climate adaptation platforms for floating urbanisation and nature-based solutions.
Boogaard, Floris; Wahyudi, Slamet Imam; Adi, Henny Pratiwi; Boer, Eric; de Lima, Rui
Criminal persuasion techniques versus sharing personal information
Susanne van ‘t Hoff – de Goede, PhD (Lid Lectoraat)
The price of human rights
Isaura Cardoso (Student); M. van Munster (Begeleider)
Working with Experience Experts in Research
van Zal, Stefanie (Lectoraat Langdurige Zorg En Ondersteuning); van Schravendijk, Merel (Lectoraat Langdurige Zorg En Ondersteuning)