Determining the electron temperature in a CO2 plasma using optical emission spectroscopy
H.J.L. Hendrickx (Student); J.T.H. Hoeijmakers (Begeleider); J.A.H.R. Prins (Begeleider); F.J.J. Peeters (Begeleider)
An Introduction to Environmental Anthropology
H.N. (Helen) Kopnina (Onderzoeker); Eleanor Shoreman-Ouimeta
The Value of Agile Methods in Designing for Behavioural Change
Dirk Ploos van Amstel (Lid Lectoraat); Martine Heemskerk (Lid Lectoraat); Reint-Jan Renes (Lector); Sander Hermsen (Lid Lectoraat)
Complexity in Education
Cok Bakker (Lector); Nicolina Montesano Montessori (Associate Lector)
Analysing structural changes in multilayer mirrors after thermal loading
Maarten Bolhuis (Student); C.A. Swarts (Begeleider)
Climate Control of a Greenhouse with Concentrating Solar Power System : International Conference on Agricultural Engineering
Pieter Sonneveld; Iwan van Bochove
The talent organization: a contextual analyses of universities in the Netherlands using a multi perspective approach
Dr. Ben Fruytier (Lector); Marian Thunnissen (Lid Lectoraat); Paul Boselie
Up scaling and test results of an advanced Fresnel greenhouse
Elisa van Tuijl; H.J.J. Janssen; H.F. de Zwart; Pieter Sonneveld; Gert-Jan Swinkels
Energy performance of a concentrated photovoltaic energy system with static linear Fresnel lenses integrated in a greenhouse
Elisa van Tuijl; Pieter Sonneveld; J. van Campen; Gert-Jan Swinkels; H.J.J. Janssen; G. Bot
Lenses Based Concentrated PV system in a Greenhouse
A. Fresnel; Elisa van Tuijl; H.J.J. Janssen; Pieter Sonneveld; Gert-Jan Swinkels