Health literacy in the context of child health promotion: a scoping review of conceptualizations and descriptions
Wieke van Boxtel (Onderzoeker); Katarina Jerković-Ćosić (Lector); Linda Schoonmade (Onderzoeker); Mai Chinapaw (Onderzoeker)
Results of the Workshop on Algorithmic Affordances in Recommender Interfaces
Aletta Smits (Onderzoeker); Ester Bartels (Onderzoeker); Chris Detweiler (Onderzoeker); Koen van Turnhout (Onderzoeker)
Recognizing the Algorithmic Literacy of Users in XAI - An Example-Based Approach
Katja Pott (Onderzoeker); Aletta Smits (Onderzoeker); Doris Agotai (Onderzoeker)
Digital kiosks and inclusivity
Lluis Martinez; Kelt Garritsen; Jelten Baguet; Anna Grigolon; Karla Münzel (Onderzoeker); Imre Keserü; Karst Geurs
Teachers’ use of inquiry and language scaffolding questions when preparing an experiment
Anne Bergliot Oyehaug (Onderzoeker); Maria Kouns (Onderzoeker); Elwin Savelsbergh (Lector)
Enhancing shared decision making in paediatric speech and language therapy: A description of the ENGAGE intervention
Singer, Ingrid; Luinge, Margreet (Language Function & Healthy Ageing); Gorter, Jan Willem; Gerrits, Ellen
The Accessibility Conundrum
van Bussel, Geert-Jan (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci))
Digitale Geletterdheid en Inclusie & opleiding communicatie (Hanze)
Ponsioen, Arnout; van Oostrom, Madelon; Oldenhuis, Hilbrand
Developing Questioning Literacy with the Question Compass
Harry Stokhof (Onderzoeker); Ilse Wintermans (Onderzoeker); Jeroen van der Linden
Workshop voor welzijnsorganisaties
Ponsioen, Arnout