Exploring the Evolution of Autonomous Vehicle Acceptance through Hands-On Demonstrations
Rodrigo Encinar (Onderzoeker); Ángel Madridano (Onderzoeker); Miguel Ángel de Miguel (Onderzoeker); Martín Palos (Onderzoeker); Fernando García (Onderzoeker); J.F.B. (John) Bolte (Lector)
One Size Fits All? The Use of Employer Branding in Different Contexts
Hein, Antonia; Elving, Wim; Koster, Sjerdjan; Edzes, Arjen
Factors influencing consumers' choices of environmentally conscious wines in the Netherlands
Freitag, N.H. (Student); Kuipers, S.
Happiness, Space and Place
Ziogas, Thanasis; Ballas, Dimitris; Koster, Sierdjan; Edzes, Arjen (Regional Labour Market)
Gamification and Migration
Bejan, D (Daniel-Alexandru) (Student)
Use of Lateral Flow Assays in Forensics
Bruijns, Brigitte; Tiggelaar, Roald; Knotter, Jaap; van Dam, Annemieke (Lectoraat Forensisch Onderzoek)
A strategic approach for Medisol's success in Greece and Czech Republic
Alexander Maljers (Student); Rob Jeffery (Docent); Jeroen Meijering (Docent); Marjolein Luijk (Begeleider)
Navigating the road to market sucess: the Novades story
Morgan de Saint Jorre (Student); Etienne Veldhuis (Docent); Marieke Polinder (Docent); André Da Silva (Begeleider)
What are the best strategies TieTalent can use to increase the sales of its Sourcer service?
Raya Gerdzhikova (Student); Marieke Polinder (Docent); Vanessa Yazbek (Docent); Laura Blakaj (Begeleider)
The origins of SWOT analysis
Puyt, Richard W.; Lie, Finn Birger; Wilderom, Celeste P.M.