The vulnerability to flash floods from the perception of the people in the Safende district
Anoushik Sayyad-Hartounian
Psychiatric comorbidities in older adults with posttraumatic stress disorder: a systematic review
F. Baltjes; J.M. Cook; M. van Kordenoordt; S. Sobczak
Most effective training method for injury prevention in alpine skiing.
Mirjam Talen (Student)
Designing a choice support system for students in flexible curricula
Johan Smarius; Esther van der Stappen
School-based teaching for democracy: A systematic review of teaching methods in quantitative intervention studies
Teegelbeckers, Jip Y. (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Nieuwelink, Hessel (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding); Oostdam, Ron J. (Lectoraat Maatwerk In Leren En Instructie)
Scoping review of quality guidelines for Assistive Technology provision
Natasha Layton (Onderzoeker); Alice Spann (Onderzoeker); Mehedi Khan (Onderzoeker); Silvana Contepomi (Onderzoeker); Evert Jan Hoogerwerf (Onderzoeker); Luc de Witte (Lector)
Reviewing the n-gap in livestock manure systems
Neysari, P.; Vries, J.W. de (Associate Lector); Ogink, N.W.M.; Amon, B.; Groot Koerkamp, P.W.G.
Eating disorders and body image in men. A study to improve eating disorder prevention programs for Israeli adult
Arad, Ella (Student); Kochavi, Shahar; Kamps, Leonie
Supporting older patients in working on rehabilitation goals
Anne Marie Vaalburg (Lid Lectoraat); Petra Boersma (Docent); Elizabeth M. Wattel; Johannes C. F. Ket; Cees M.P.M. Hertogh; Robbert Gobbens (Lector)
Supported Education for Students with Psychiatric Disabilities
Hofstra, Jacomijn (Rehabilitation); van der Velde, Jorien (Rehabilitation); Farkas, Marianne; Korevaar, E.L.; Buttner, Svenja