Zocht je misschien: nation?
Supporting Double Duty Caregiving and Good Employment Practices in Health Care Within an Aging Society
Sarah Detaille; Annet de Lange; Josephine Engels; Mirthe Pijnappels; Nathan Hutting; Eghe Osagie; A. Reig-Botella
Self-management support for people with non-specific low back pain: A qualitative survey among physiotherapists and exercise therapists.
Nathan Hutting; Wiebke Oswald; Bart Staal; Yvonne Heerkens
The effects of integrating work-related factors and improving cooperation in musculoskeletal physical therapy practice: protocol for the 'WORK TO BE DONE' cluster randomised controlled trial.
Nathan Hutting; Wiebke Oswald; Ria Nijhuis-van der Sanden; M. Filart; T. Raaijmakers; H.J. Bieleman; Bart Staal; Yvonne Heerkens
Work-Focused Health Care: The Role of Physical Therapists
Nathan Hutting; R. Boucat; D. Gross; Yvonne Heerkens; V. Johnston; G. Skamagki; K. Stigmar
Yes, we should abandon pre-treatment positional testing of the cervical spine
Nathan Hutting; R. Kerry; R. Kranenburg
Manual therapists’ beliefs and use of spinal thrust joint manipulation.
R. Kranenburg; M. Schmitt; E.J. Puentedura; C. van der Schans; N.R. Heneghan; Nathan Hutting
Hoe blijf je ook thuis in goede conditie?
Nathan Hutting
‘Thuiswerkkramp nog te vaak overschat’
Nathan Hutting
Comeback van ’muisarm’ door thuiswerken
Nathan Hutting