Zocht je misschien: participatieve, participatie?
New voices in social work: an explorative study of female Turkish and Moroccan-Dutch professionals in social work in the Netherlands
Peter Hendriks (Lid Lectoraat); Hans van Ewijk (Lector); Gerty Lensvelt-Mulders
International Developments on Inclusive Education and the Presentation of a Participative and Reflective Approach to Research
Hans Schuman (Onderzoeker); Nicolina Montesano Montessori (Associate Lector)
Impact of sport events on local communities
Slender, Hans; Straatmeijer, Jerzy; Hover, Paul; Cevaal, Astrid
Network analysis: a tool for process improvement
Christis, Jac
Market Acceptance of Nutritious Street Food for People at The Base of Pyramid KEBAL, Jakarta, Indonesia
Bagus Wibisono; Leendert de Bell (Begeleider)
Realising participation within an action research project on two care innovation units providing care for older people
Miranda Snoeren (Lid Lectoraat); Donna Frost (Lid Lectoraat)
A participative research program on educative behaviour in a faculty of education.
Prof.Dr. Petra Ponte (Lector)
The opening up of hospitality spaces to difference : exploring the nature of home exchange experiences
Grit, Alexander; Lynch, Paul A.
The participative society. Why social work professionals should focus on environment rather than behaviour
Dr. S.M. Verhagen (Lector)
Implementability of HR-policies
Emans, Ben; van der Klok Postema, Marijke; Peelen, Ad; Weering, Gerald