A visual account
Sandra Geelhoed
Art as a catalyst
Coumans, Anke
Co-creating the city
Stultiens, Andrea; van Hoven, Bettina
Live-muziek & herstel na een operatie: ‘Un Pas de Trois"
de Wit, Krista; Heineman, Erik
Participatory music approaches in elderly care: the researcher as a reflexive participant
Pyykönen, Krista
Legacy: participatory music practices with elderly people as a resource for the well-being of healthcare professionals
Pyykönen, Krista
Legacy: Participatory music practices with elderly people as a resource for the well-being of healthcare professionals
Pyykönen, Krista
Legacy: Participatory music practices with elderly people as a resource for the well-being of healthcare professionals
Pyykönen, Krista
SIMM-posium: 2nd Research Symposium on Social Impact of Making Music
Pyykönen, Krista; Smilde, Rineke
Over de betekenis van muziek
Bisschop Boele, Evert