Kick off meeting in Løgstør
Boogaard, Floris; Tipping, Jonathan; Grent, Arjen; Twelkemeijer, Mathilde
Insights from Stakeholders of Five Residential Smart Grid Pilot Projects in the Netherlands
U. Obinna; Peter Joore; L.S.G.L. Wauben; A. Reinders
BIM biedt business voor beter beheer!
Pim Smit (Student); Wietse Theeuwen (Student); Karel Fouraschen (Begeleider); Charlotte Trip (Begeleider)
CDIO as Blueprint for Community Service Engineering Education
S.C. Hallenga-Brink (Lid Lectoraat); Jan Dekelver
Smart city pilot projects, scaling up or fading out?
van Winden, W. (Lectoraat Urban Economic Innovation)
Future Friendly Learning Lab, Contribute to the acceleration of the transition towards a Future Friendly Living environment by increasing the impact of (pilot) projects
Cyrille Gijbbels-Janssen (Lid Lectoraat); Remko Lugt, van der (Lector)
Cordaid and its Transparency
Margriet Krijtenburg (Begeleider); J. Daniels (Student)
Power to gas
ter Veer, Bart
Guide of good practices Tempus Corinthiam
Beelen, Jos; Boddington, Anne; Bruns, Birgit; Glogar, Martin; Machado, Carlos
Mogelijkheden voor een zoetwatermossel kweek in effluent van een RWZI
Vervoort, E. (Student); Dool, H. van den; Kramer, A.