Improving productivity and production of sunflower oilseeds among smallholder sunflower farmers
Liampawe, G.S. (Student); Snoo, A.C. de
SME’s of agribusiness in UAE
Dugar, D.K. (Student); Burgess, P.
Cyber Security for Power System operators
Casper van der Sluis (Student); B. (Ben) Kuiper
Cooling down: a simulation approach to reduce energy peaks of reefers at terminals
J.H.R. van Duin; H. Geerlings; A. Verbraeck; T. Nafde
Power to methane
Nap, Jan Peter; Zwart, Kor
Role of LNG in an optimized hybrid energy network
Montoya Cardona, Juliana; Dam, Jacques; de Rooij, Marietta
The list serves
Werbin, Kenneth C.
Is Bio-P2G technologically attractive as contribution towards balancing the supply and demand of renewable energy?
Hofstede, Gert (Life Sciences & Renewable Energy); Apol, Emile; Wedema, Ronald; Nap, Jan Peter; Faber, Folkert (Life Sciences & Renewable Energy)
Keep it cool: reducing energy peaks of reefers at terminals
J.H.R. van Duin; H. Geerlings; M.A. Oey; A. Verbraeck
Energy scripts and spaces
van der Schoor, Tineke