Zocht je misschien: print?
Vocational career guidance in Dutch higher vocational education: an educational and cost-benefit analysis
Mark te Wierik
Design of a configurable spring-damper using additive manufacturing
J. Sep (Student); N. Hagemann (Student); C. Castillo (Student); B. van der Wielen (Student); R. Verberne (Student); M. van Esch (Student); Martin Stroetinga (Begeleider); Eric Rutjens (Begeleider)
Patient education and health literacy
Harriët Wittink (Lector); Janke Oosterhaven (Lid Lectoraat)
Identiteit en imago
Ton den Haan (Student)
Stigma against feminism in Ireland and the Netherlands
Celina J. Helsdingen (Student); Rebekah Tromble (Begeleider); P.G. (Paul) Nixon (Begeleider)
Game on! Lessons learned from joint development and production of health games
Leupen, Harro (New Business & Ict); Willems, Rob; Onyango, George; Odongo, Peter
StartUp Workbook
Coelman, B. (Berrie) (Teacher)
Ebifananyi II
Stultiens, Andrea
µPlasma Patterning and Inkjet Printing to enhance localized wetting and mixing behaviour
Dr. Ir. M.H.A. van Dongen (Docent)
UV-mediated coalescence and mixing of inkjet printed drops
Dr. Ir. M.H.A. van Dongen (Docent)