Exploring the problem-solution space for impact-driven collaborative public-private innovation networks
A. Greco; F.T.H.M. Berkers; A. Kerstens
Extending the lifespan of a Semi-Submersible Drilling Rig
Jip Zoutendijk (Student); Arie de Groot (Docent); R. Bosselaar (Begeleider)
Assessing Children's Fine Motor Skills With Sensor-Augmented Toys: Machine Learning Approach
Brons, Annette; de Schipper, Antoine; Mironcika, Svetlana; Toussaint, Huub; Schouten, Ben; Bakkes, Sander; Kröse, Ben
Gaining insights into dwelling characteristics using machine learning for policy making on nearly zero-energy buildings with the use of smart meter and weather data
T.B. Salcedo Rahola (Docent)
Ticket to Category
Niels van Benthem (Student)
Aviation Data Analytics in MRO Operations: Prospects and Pitfalls
Apostolidis, Asteris; Pelt, Maurice; Stamoulis, Konstantinos P. (Lectoraat Aviation Engineering); Myklebust, Thor; Stålhane, Tor; Jenssen, Gunnar Deinboll; Wærø, Irene
Classification of dwelling characteristics with machine learning algorithms based on smart meter & weather data
T.B. Salcedo Rahola (Lid Lectoraat)
ADHD and the power of generalization
te Meerman, Sanne; Freedman, Justin; Batstra, Laura; Grietens, Hans; Hoekstra, Rink; Batstra, Laura; Grietens, Hans
Identification and classification of slippery winter road conditions using commonly available vehicle variables
Moksheeth Padarthy; Emiliano Heyns
Detecting stress patterns based on physiological measurements in real-life scenarios using existing wearables
Thies Keulen (Student); Marietta de Rooij (Begeleider)