Zocht je misschien: experimental, experiment?
Continuous measuring of the indoor walking speed of older adults living alone
Nait Aicha, A.; Englebienne, G.; Kröse, B.
Simple-jet mode electrosprays with water
Agostinho , L.L.F. (Lector); Bos, B.; Kamau, A.
Automotive the future of mobility
F.G. Rieck; C. Machielse; J.H.R. van Duin
Innovatiewerkplaats op de grens: IWP EDRiT - grensoverschrijdend samenwerken aan regionale opgaven
Bulder, E.A.M.
Conceptualization of an authorship attribution pipeline for blog articles
Jan Trienes (Student); Jan Jacobs (Begeleider)
Hyper-spectral frequency selection for the classification of vegetation diseases
K. Dijkstra; Jaap van de Loosdrecht; L.R.B. Schomaker; M.A. Wiering
The influence of prior knowledge and viewing repertoire on learning from video
de Boer, Jelle; Kommers, Piet A. M.; de Brock, Bert; Tolboom, Jos
Improving the limits of detection in potentiometric sensors
Franc van der Bent (Lid Lectoraat); Erik Puik (Lector); H.D. Tong; C.J.M. van Rijn
Continuous Gait Velocity Analysis Using Ambient Sensors in a Smart Home
Nait Aicha, Ahmed; Englebienne, Gwenn; Kröse, Ben; De Ruyter, Boris; Kameas, Achilles; Chatzimisios, Periklis; Mavrommati, Irene