Zocht je misschien: sensortechnology?
End report ID3AS AirOPT
Shahin, Omar; Kampers, Gerrit; Herraez, Ivan; Reinke, Otto; Swart-Ranshuysen, Wouter (Wind Energy); Schepers, Gerard (Wind Energy); Bruining, Joke
Eindrapport rattenvallen project
Hekman, Johan; Bruining, Joke; Snippe, Dirk Jan; Geertsma, Geert Jan
Eindrapportage project Sensequake
Balje, Jan; Bal, Ihsan Engin (Aardbevingsbestendig Bouwen); Sreerama, AK; Deuzeman, Mart Johan (Sensors And Smart Systems); Katramados, Ioannis; Miedema, Arjen
Sensing and Diagnostics
Wörtche, Heinrich
Developing sensor technology innovations with business potential together with students: let's return to the master-apprentice approach
Bruining, Joke; Balje, Jan
Developing sensor technology innovations with business potential together with students: let's return to the masterapprentice approach
Balje, Jan; Bruining, Joke
Eindrapport SIC project
Bruining, Joke; Gaasbeek, Martijn; de Vries, Remco; de Mul, Serge; van der Horst, Eric; Kamphuis, Peter
Sensors and smart systems
Wörtche, Heinrich
Balje, Jan; Sreerama, Ajay Kumar; Paxinou, Katerina; Bal, Ihsan Engin