Enhanced Bio-BTX Formation by Catalytic Pyrolysis of Glycerol with In Situ Produced Toluene as the Cofeed
Wang, Fukang; Kramer, Thomas Sjouke; Yan, Bin; Zhu, Lin; Zhu, Yuezhao; Heeres, Andre; Ciolca, Diana; Jan Heeres, Hero; He, Songbo
Expectations and Experiences of Participating in a Supervised and Home-Based Physical Exercise Intervention in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer during Chemoradiotherapy
Kok, Annemieke; Passchier, Ellen; May, Anne M; Jager-Wittenaar, Harriët (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Veenhof, Cindy; de Bree, Remco; Stuiver, Martijn M; Speksnijder, Caroline M
Challenges in diagnosing posttraumatic stress disorder in dementia: a case report
S. Sobczak; M. van Kordenoordt; R. Uiterwijk; J.M. Cook; D.C.D. Havermans; L. Vossen; I. Ramakers; M. Olff; S.P.J. van Alphen
The fire susceptibility of future climate-smart forests
Karssen, R. (Student); Zandvliet, J.J.; Vlam, M.
Communication in Daily Life of Children With Developmental Language Disorder: Parents’ and Teachers’ Perspectives
Gerda Bruinsma (Onderzoeker); Frank Wijnen (Onderzoeker); Ellen Gerrits (Lector)
Comparison of Clinical Efficacy and Mechanical Characteristics of Two Knee Distraction Devices With Relevance for Clinical Practice
T. Struik (Onderzoeker); M.P. Jansen (Onderzoeker); Rik Lafeber (Onderzoeker); F.P.J.G. Lafeber (Onderzoeker); S.C. Mastbergen (Onderzoeker)
Cohort Study of Indecent Exposure in the Netherlands from 2012 to 2020: Incidents, Perpetrators, Victims, and Trends over Time
Nina ten Hoor (Onderzoeker); Wineke Smid (Onderzoeker); Maaike van Dooren (Onderzoeker); Willemijn Matthijssen (Onderzoeker); Vivienne de Vogel (Lector); Jan Hendriks (Onderzoeker)
Kenniscarrousel: Het gezin als veerkrachtig netwerk.
Dorsman, Naomi
Dogs in Dutch media
Ophorst, C.S. (Docent); Aarts, N.; Bovenkerk, B.; Hopster, H.
Associations of individual chronic diseases and multimorbidity with multidimensional frailty
Robbert Gobbens (Lector); Sandra Kuiper; Henriëtte Dijkshoorn; Marcel A.L.M. van Assen