The OARSI Joint Effort Initiative
Bowden, Jocelyn L.; Hunter, David J.; Mills, Kathryn; Allen, Kelli; Bennell, Kim; Briggs, Andrew M.; Dziedzic, K.; Hinman, Rana S.; Kim, Jason S.; Martinez, Nina; Quicke, Jonathan G.; Tan Yijia, Bryan; van der Esch, Martin (Lectoraat Interdisciplinaire Zorg Voor Chronische Gewrichtsaandoeningen); Verges, Josep; Eyles, Jillian
What are the most essential social-emotional skills? Relationships between adolescents’ social-emotional skills and psychosocial health variables.
Marion van de Sande; Paul L. Kocken; R.F.W. (René) Diekstra; Ria Reis; Carolien Gravesteijn; Minne Fekkes
Workshop voor welzijnsorganisaties
Ponsioen, Arnout
Low-achieving adolescent students' perspectives on their interactions with classmates.
Marion van de Sande; Minne Fekkes; R.F.W. (René) Diekstra; Carolien Gravesteijn; Paul L. Kocken; Ria Reis
TARGETing students' motivation within secondary school physical education through design
Gwen Weeldenburg
Groningen verlegt het accent naar Digitaal
Ponsioen, Arnout
Toeleiding tot werk
Ponsioen, Arnout; van den Berg, Robin; Klifman, Julia
Employers have a Duty of Beneficence to Design for Meaningful Work
Smids, Jilles; Berkers, Hannah (Lectoraat Corporate Governance & Leadership); Le Blanc, Pascale; Rispens, Sonja; Nyholm, Sven
A conversation with O2Lab Rotterdam
M. Priem; J. Dresia