L. Siroka (Student); K. Boele (Begeleider); I. Borremans (Begeleider)
Symposium maatschappelijke participatie
Korevaar, L.
Verplicht Vrijwillig
Josien Hofs (Lid Lectoraat); Rob Arnoldus
Community support and participation among persons with diabilities. A study in three European countries
Jean Pierre Wilken (Lector); Frans Leenders; Marju Medar; Zsolt Bugarszki
Physical activity in obesity
Eveline Wouters (Lector); Rinie Geenen
Physical activity in obesity.
PhD Geenen; PhD Eveline Wouters (Lector)
Wat de obese patiënt beweegt. Multidisciplinair obesitas congres, 23 en 24 november 2010
Eveline Wouters (Lector)
Parenting with success and satisfaction among parents with severe mental illness
van der Ende, P.C.; Venderink, Marrie; van Busschbach, J.T.
Impact of HIV and AIDS related stigma and discrimination on income at household level : the case of Babile district, Ehtiopia
Mamo Bedada, S. (Student); Koucher, A.