Zocht je misschien: social?
Digital kiosks and inclusivity
Lluis Martinez; Kelt Garritsen; Jelten Baguet; Anna Grigolon; Karla Münzel (Onderzoeker); Imre Keserü; Karst Geurs
Towards understanding what Dutch people in a socio-economically disadvantaged position need to enhance their living conditions
Sandra Schel (Onderzoeker)
Variety in carers’ views regarding care responsibilities from an intersectional perspective
Wittenberg, Yvette (Lectoraat Langdurige Zorg En Ondersteuning); Kwekkeboom, Rick (Lectoraat Langdurige Zorg En Ondersteuning); de Boer, Alice H.; Verhoeff, Arnoud P.
In conversation with ghosts
Patil, Mugdha (Lectoraat Digital Life); Cila, Nazli; Redström, Johan; Giaccardi, Elisa
Social imaginaries methods and socio-engineering competences in sustainable river management (a case study in the living lab Upper Citarum)
Roosmini, D.; Witteveen, L.M.; Mayangsari, I.D.; Nastiti, A.; Botden, T.
What If the Clinical and Older Adults’ Perspectives about Frailty Converge? A Call for a Mixed Conceptual Model of Frailty
Asya Hani Khalil; Robbert Gobbens (Lector)
Experiences of resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study among high and low socio-economic status individuals in the Netherlands
Thompson, Kristina; van der Kamp, Dani; Vader, Sarah; Pijpker, Roald; den Broeder, Lea (Lectoraat Gezondheid En Omgeving); Wagemakers, Annemarie
Unveiling the experienced age-friendliness of older people in Bucharest:
Jeroen Dikken; Joost van Hoof; Loredana Ivan
Estimated impact of CO2 and NOx emission reduction targets on car ownership and car use in The Netherlands
Jaap Marinus Vleugel (Onderzoeker); Frans Bal (Onderzoeker)
Disability transitions in Dutch community-dwelling older people aged 75 years or older
Tjeerd van der Ploeg (Lid Lectoraat); Robbert Gobbens (Lector)