Monitoring of a Historical Masonry Structure in Case of Induced Seismicity
Bal, Ihsan Engin; Smyrou, Eleni; Dais, Dimitrios; Sarhosis, Vasilis
Overseen drought problems in Bergen op Zoom
Koen de Weert (Student); Lukas Papenborg (Begeleider); Ineke Vink (Begeleider); Laurens van der Schaaf (Begeleider); Gijs Spruijt (Begeleider)
In situ mapping of pollutants in Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems, a new methodology approach and preliminary results from the Netherlands
Boogaard, Floris; Venvik, Guri; Roest, Allard
Monitoring, assessment and diagnosis of Fraeylemaborg in Groningen, Netherlands
Dais, Dimitrios; Bal, Ihsan Engin; Smyrou, Eleni; Pama, Jelle; Aguilar, R.
Lokale kopers in het Gronings aardbevingsgebied
van der Kloet, Hieke
Fundamental Infrastructure in Reimerswaal
Hamood Al Rawahi (Student); Giuliana Scuderi (Begeleider); Lukas Papenborg (Begeleider); Tina Suvorov (Begeleider)
Local homebuyers in the Groningen earthquake region
van der Kloet, Hieke
Wetland eco-engineering with fine sediment
Saaltink, R.M. (Docent)
A detailed structural design of a data centre in Frankfurt am Main area, in accordance with the national construction regulations
V. Meskenaite (Student); Albert Repko (Begeleider); Giuliana Scuderi (Begeleider); B. Miehe (Begeleider)
Hydraulic failure of the dike around the mud volcano Lumpur Lapindo
H.L. Richards (Student); Albert Repko (Begeleider); T. Wilms (Begeleider)