Patients with and Without COVID-19 in the Intensive Care Unit
Cijs, Bastiaan; Valkenet, Karin; Heijnen, Germijn; Visser-Meily, J M Anne; Van Der Schaaf, Marike (Lectoraat Revalidatie In De Acute Zorg)
The impact of high versus standard enteral protein provision on functional recovery following intensive care admission (PRECISE trial): study protocol for a randomized controlled, quadruple blinded, multicenter, parallel group trial in mechanically ventilated patients
Rob J.J. van Gassel (Onderzoeker); Julia L.M. Bels (Onderzoeker); Katrien Tartaglia (Onderzoeker); Bas C.T. Bussel (Onderzoeker); Sander M.J. van Kuijk (Onderzoeker); Adam M. Deane (Onderzoeker); Zudin Puthucheary (Onderzoeker); Peter Weijs (Onderzoeker); Lilian Vloet (Lector); Bert (A.) Beishuizen (Onderzoeker); Ashley de Bie Dekker (Onderzoeker); Vincent Fraipont (Onderzoeker); Stoffel Lamote (Onderzoeker); Didier Ledoux (Onderzoeker); Clarissa Scheeren (Onderzoeker); Elisabeth de Waele (Onderzoeker); Arthur R.H. van Zanten (Onderzoeker); Dieter Mesotten (Onderzoeker); Marcel C.G. van de Poll (Onderzoeker)
Bezoek Amerikaanse ambassadeur aan ENTRANCE
Aué, Jan-jaap
Presentatie Staten on Tour "If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change"
Aué, Jan-jaap
What steps need te be taken in order to make Slovakia a high-revenue country?
Laura Partiková (Student); Vanessa Yazbek (Docent); Nicole Dornig (Begeleider)
EffectiveNess of a multimodal preHAbilitation program in patieNts with bladder canCEr undergoing radical cystectomy
Akdemir, Emine; Sweegers, Maike G; Vrieling, Alina; Rundqvist, Helene; Meijer, Richard P; Leliveld-Kors, Annemarie M; van der Heijden, Antoine G; Rutten, Vera C; Koldewijn, Evert L; Bos, Siebe D; Wijburg, Carl J; Marcelissen, Tom A T; Bongers, Bart C; Retèl, Valesca P; van Harten, Wim H; May, Anne M; Groen, Wim G; Stuiver, Martijn M (Lectoraat Functioneel Herstel Bij Kanker)
Effectiveness of outpatient geriatric rehabilitation after inpatient geriatric rehabilitation or hospitalisation
Astrid Preitschopf; Marije Holstege (Lector); Andrea Ligthart; Wim Groen; George Burchell; Margriet Pol; Bianca Buurman
Which sustainable solutions French wineries could use to adapt to climate change?
Delsart, E. (Student); Medema, T.