Zocht je misschien: strategie, strategies?
Monitoring and Evaluating Workforce Digital Transformation Skills Mastery : The Development and Validation of a Comprehensive Skills Assessment Instrument
Machiel Bouwmans (Onderzoeker); Marissa Orlowski (Onderzoeker); Ran Zhang (Onderzoeker); Xander Lub (Lector)
Heel Holland matcht?
Merx, Erik (Human Capital); Edzes, Arjen (Regionale Arbeidsmarkt); van Lieshout, Harm (Human Capital)
Strategic HRM: it's all in the game
Collou, L.D. (Luuk) (Lector)
Strategic Human Resource Management and the research-teaching-practice nexus
M.T.A. (Max) Aangenendt (Lid Lectoraat); Y (Yvonne) Boender; L.D. (Dorothee) Colijn; L. (Laura ) Lodewijk-Schmidt
The rise (and fall?) of HR analytics
Sjoerd van den Heuvel (Lid Lectoraat); Tanya Bondarouk
Asian human resource management and intercultural competence
van der Poel, Marcel H. (International Business); Segers, Rien
Defining management competencies anno 2025: A Business-University collaboration
Donald Ropes (Lector)
Mission impossible? Introduction and transfer of employee-oriented CSR in multinational SMEs
de Jong, Dirk Johan; Karsten, L.; Lillie, N. A.
HRM in de sport: arbeidsverhoudingen en arbeidsvoorwaarden bij combinatiefunctionarissen
Arnoud van de Ven; Maarten de Groot
Internationalisation strategies and the development of competent teaching staff
van der Werf, Els; De Wit, Hans; Beelen, Jos