A Psychological Ownership Based Design Tool to Close the Resource Loop in Product Service Systems
Dirk Ploos van Amstel (Onderzoeker); Lenneke Kuijer (Onderzoeker); Remko van der Lugt (Lector); Berry Eggen (Onderzoeker)
Towards a pattern library for algorithmic affordances
Erik Hekman (Onderzoeker); Dennis Nguyen (Onderzoeker); Marcel Stalenhoef (Onderzoeker); Koen van Turnhout (Lector)
Heatwaves and vulnerable populations
Sylvia I. Bergh (Onderzoeker); Ashley Richard Longman (Onderzoeker); Erwin van Tuijl (Onderzoeker)
Cultivating Cooperative Relationships
Laura Stevens (Onderzoeker)
How the Use of Social Marketing can Increase Student Well-being
Denise Reina; Nikos Misirlis
Stay small
Graaf, JW (Jan Willem) de (Lector)
Collaboration in the local DHC-chain: A bottom-up integrated framework fostering broad-based solutions
Schilstra, Niels; Willems, Eric; Heller, Renée (Lectoraat Energie En Innovatie)
BITInLine: A Serious Game to Enhance Business Information Technology and Strategy Alignment
Collou, L (Luuk) (Associatelector); Bruinsma, G. (Guido); Iacob, M.E. (Maria-Eugenia)
Dress and the city
Maldini, Irene; Iran, Samira; Laitala, Kirsi; Vittersø, Gunnar; Jestratijevic, Iva; Amaral, Milena; Vladimirova, Katia; Schnitzer, Hans; Braunegg, Sibylle
Investigating the Irish Market and how Medisol can further penetrate this market
Stephanie Olumba (Student); Johan Weggemans (Docent); B. Hollaers (Begeleider)